Marita Cheng: Ambassador for the Shell Eco-Marathon

Shell Australia reached out to Saxton Engage about engaging an Ambassador for their annual Shell Eco-Marathon.

The concept of the Shell Eco-Marathon stems from a friendly bet between two scientists at Shell in 1939. How far could a vehicle travel on a gallon of fuel?

They shook on the bet and set about stretching the limits. By 1985, Shell Eco-marathon became a student competition. Now, 52 countries, more than 700 teams and 6000 students are participating in the Shell Eco-marathon across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.

Through the #MakeTheFuture campaign Shell Australia sought to educate Australian audiences about the company’s purpose and transition towards an energy company. And, to drive awareness of their focus of helping to create jobs for the future by supporting science subjects in schools by inspiring a passion for science.

Adopting a collaborative approach, Saxton worked with multiple Shell Australia stakeholders to:

  • conduct due-diligence, short-list and provide final talent selection;
  • provide support for content-shaping across scripting, storyboarding, blogs and social posts;
  • manage talent filming and content production in Australia and Asia;
  • provide end-to-end campaign management, including on-call 24/7
  • support for key campaign dates across multiple time zones; and
  • Provide end of campaign reporting.

We matched Shell Australia with Marita Cheng, an engineering visionary, former Young Australian of the Year and founder of Aubot and Robogals, as their Ambassador. This campaign involved Marita filming content in Australia as well as travelling to Malaysia and providing live updates from the finals. Read More


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