The 12 Marketing Matters that Matter in 2020


Andrew Baxter has been successfully leading major professional services firms for well over a decade. This included time as the CEO at Ogilvy which saw the agency create iconic campaigns such as AAMI's “Rhonda and Ketut” and Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke”. He is a sought-after speaker on Marketing and Communications, and in 2017 was awarded the Australian Marketing Institute's Sir Charles McGrath Award for his significant contribution to the field of Marketing.

Andrew unpacks the 12 marketing topics that should be top of mind for companies this year below.

Brand trust

Trust with customers is won in drops and lost in buckets. The small incremental surprises and delights for customers soon add up, as does dealing with issues genuinely and quickly. Trust fuels integrity, and integrity is the second-biggest driver of excellent customer experiences according to a recent KPMG report. Delivering on promises and doing the right thing are the major contributors to building trust, according to Edelman’s 2020 Trust Barometer.


AI has also been behind the rise of influencer marketing platforms matching brands with influencers who develop content around the brand to share on social media — based on the awareness that word-of-mouth is still the strongest form of advertising. But watch out for deep fake technology that makes it hard to distinguish ¬between Kim Kardashian supporting a product from a Kim ¬Kardashian avatar supporting a rival.

Digital media

Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat are still growing their media revenues by more than 20 per cent year on year, and more than six in 10 marketers intend to spend more on podcast advertising ¬during the next 12 months. Google and Amazon are recording growth in digital media revenue of about 20 per cent and 40 per cent respectively but they are also investing heavily in AI. Read More


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